vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

O sanatate buna tine o viata cu nutritia celulara

Toată lumea are nevoie de nutriţie celulară. Este importantă pentru menţinerea sănătăţii oricui. O nuţritie bună nu trebuie sa fie complicată. Trebuie doar sa înveţi să dai organismului tău nutrienţii de care are el nevoie pentru o bună funcţionare la nivel celular. In fiecare zi, organismul tău trebuie să facă faţă unor factori de mediu ce îl înrobesc, stricând continuu balanţa nutrienţilor săi. Atunci când nevoile nutriţionale ale corpului tău nu sunt satisfăcute, sănătatea ta are de suferit. O problemă complexă poate fi rezolvat simplu. Poate fi o problemă de curaj să dai organismului tău ce are nevoie, să îi asiguri vitaminele şi mineralele necesare pentru o balanţă corectă, în fiecare zi?

Iată de ce Herbalife a făcut nutriţia simplă cu programul său de nutrţie celulară. Tehnologia avansată aplicată de Herbalife suplineşte aminoacizii, vitaminele, mineralele şi factori vegetali (plante) de care corpul tău are nevoie pentru a funcţiona optim.

Oricare ar fi motivul tău: să slăbeşti sau să faci muşchi, să capeţi energie, să obţii un păr mai frumos şi o piele mai tonică, să îţi îmbunătăţeşti sănătatea, nutriţia celulară concepută de Herbalife este croită pentru aţi satisface dorinţa. Urmarea unui program de nutriţie celulară este simplu ca şi cum ai zice 1,2,3.

In ce constă acest program de nutriţie celulară de bază? Formula 1 este un praf din care se prepară un delicios shake ce poate înlocui 1-2 mese pe zi (la menţinere sau slăbire), sau paote fi un delicios deset la cei ce vor să se îngraşe. Valoarea nutritivă a 200 mg shake este echivalentă cu aproape 2 kg de alimente foarte diverse.
Tabletele de plante, minerale şi vitamine, Formula2 şi Formula3, vin să completeze ceea ce Formula1 clădeşte. Formula2 detoxifiază celulele şi le hrăneşte, iar Formula3 este un produs unic în lume. Se mai numeşte şi activatorul celular – schimbă ciclul celular al lui Krebs.

Ca un pionier în industria bunăstării (wellness industry), Herbalife a fondat Laboratorul de nutriţie celulară şi moleculară Mark Hughes în cadrul UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles).

Ce este mai bine să mănânci la serviciu: un sandviş, un hamburgher sau poate un pateu, o pizza? Sau un shake preparat într-un iaurt? Tu hotărăşti! Ce e bine sa ii dai copilului tau: o inghetata, o prajitura sau un shake? Tu hotărăşti!

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Total Control

Total Control este un produs unic pentru optimizarea controlului greutatii, care actioneaza pe mai multe directii. Ajuta in lupta impotriva senzatiei de foame si a lipsei de energie, care apar in timpul programului de slabire. In plus, acest produs reprezinta o sursa suplimentara de antioxidanti.

Proprietatile ingredientelor de baza

Extract de Citrus Aurantium (portocal amar) - dinamizeaza metabolismul si procesul arderii grasimilor. Extractul de radacini de Coleus da energie.

Extract de frunze de Yerba Mate - este deosebit de eficient in procesul de control al greutatii si are proprietati termogenetice. Contine polifenoli necesari in metabolismul grasimilor.

Extract de ceai de verde - energizeaza si impidica depunerea grasimilor.

Aminoacidul Dl-fenilalanina - actioneaza ls nivelul sistemului nervos central asigurand controlul cerebral al poftei de mancare. Impreuna cu tirosina actioneaza sinergic asupra organismului, reducand senzatia de foame.

Extract de damiana - franeaza viteza digestiei, asigurand astfel confortul senzatiei de satietate pe termen lung.

Extract de Quercetina - are efect antioxidant.

Total control mai contine: extract de seminte de cacao, radacina de astragalus, seminte de telina, chimen dulce, fruct de gherghina, radacina de licorice, nalba mare, mandarin pitic, coaja de magnolie, frunze de patrunjel, lucerna, extract de piper negru, scortisoara.

Acest produs are si contraindicatii in starile de iritabilitate, insomnii, hipertensiune arteriala, afectiuni cardiace, arteroscleroza, sarcina, alaptare, sau intoleranta la unul dein componentele sale.

Acest produs nu este un medicament, este un supliment nutritiv.

vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

Supplement May Give Older Athletes an Edge

Supplement May Give Older Athletes an Edge
Boosting Nitric Oxide May Increase Exercise Capacity in Cyclists Over 50
By Denise Mann
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

March 26, 2010 -- Cyclists who are 50 and older may be able to ride farther and faster if they take a commercially available supplement containing the amino acid arginine and antioxidants that help boost the body’s natural exercise capabilities, according to new research in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

“The loss of exercise capacity with age often results in a reduction in physical fitness and more rapid [cell death],” says researcher Zhaoping Li, MD, of the University of California at Los Angeles. “A dietary supplement that increases exercise capacity might help to preserve physical fitness by optimizing performance and improving general health and well being in older people.”

Niteworks, made by Herbalife International, is a lemon-flavored powder that is mixed with water. It contains 5.2 grams of L-arginine and L-citrulline, 300 milligrams of L-taurine, 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 400 international units (IU) of vitamin E, 400 micrograms of folic acid, 10 milligrams of alpha lipoic acid, and 50 milligrams of lemon balm extract.

Our bodies’ production of nitric oxide tends to dim with advancing age. Nitric oxide helps stimulate the blood vessels around the heart and other organs to dilate, and it also plays a role in increasing exercise capacity.

Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide development. Nitric oxide production is also hampered by damaging free radicals. Antioxidants, such as those contained in the new supplement, sop up these free radicals, stopping them in their tracks. The new supplement hits nitric oxide from both ends -- triggering its production with arginine and preventing its destruction with antioxidants.

Exercise Capacity and Nitric Oxide

In the new study of 16 male cyclists aged 50 to 73, men who were given the supplement showed a 16.7% increase in their anaerobic threshold at three weeks. By contrast, their counterparts who received the placebo did not see any increase in their anaerobic thresholds. Anaerobic threshold is the point at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscles and is known as a powerful predictor of performance in aerobic exercise.

“We have just studied elderly since human exercise capacity declines with advancing age and many individuals lose the inclination to participate in regular physical activity,” Li tells WebMD. “Our study has shown that the supplements help the muscles work much more efficiently in our study population.

Study participants took the supplements at bedtime, which is when nitric oxide levels are lowest. Arginine may dilate the blood vessels and cause dizziness when standing, which is another reason to take the supplement before bed, Li says.

Study volunteers did not show any evidence of heart disease. The role of L-arginine among people with heart disease is considered controversial, study authors say.

“It is also unclear if arginine supplementation in the sedentary population can have the same results," the study authors write. They say further research is needed.


De curand am gasit un site cu tabel calorii si posibilitatea calcularii a ceea ce mancam.
Dupa cum se stie, pentru a slabi trebuie sa reducem numarul caloriilor ingerate sub 1500 cal pe zi.

In programul Herbalife, se slabeste dupa schema 3-2-1: de trei ori pe zi pastile, de doua ori pe zi shake si o data pe zi masa normala.
Toate acestea nu trebuie sa depaseasca 1500 cal. Cele doua shakeuri reprezinta 800 calorii, deci mai raman 700 calorii pentru masa normala si gustari.
Prin urmare socotirea riguroasa a caloriilor este necesara si acest site va poate ajuta:
Slabire usoara, si nu uitati ca produsele Herbalife fac acest efort mai usor si asigura slabitul sanatos si frumos (reface tesutul muscular).

luni, 5 aprilie 2010

6 Easy Calorie Cutters That Fight Fat

By Liz Vaccariello, Editor-in-Chief, Prevention

There's more than one way to cut a calorie. Yes, you can look at labels or choose restaurants that list calories on the menu, but there are other not-so-obvious ways to trim calories without a lot of thought or effort. Here are six that work surprisingly well.

1. Trim Down Portions at Home

Restaurant servings aren't the only ones growing. According to a study of 18 recipes published in The Joy of Cooking since it was first released in 1936, home-cooked meals have 63% more calories per serving today. One of the reasons is a 33% increase in serving sizes since 1996. Halve recipes, or assume you'll have leftovers and store half the food as soon as it's cooked.

2. Skip Oversweetened Drinks

People who eliminated just one sugar-sweetened beverage from their diets a day lost more weight over 6 months than those who reduced the same number of calories from solid food, found a Johns Hopkins University study. Researchers speculate that liquid calories are less satiating, leaving you hungrier.

3. Eat Protein at Every Meal

In a European study of 205 slimmed-down men and women, those who ate about 25% of their daily calories from protein (about 100 g for a 1,600-calorie diet) had an easier time maintaining their weight loss. Protein may help because it keeps you feeling full longer and uses more calories during digestion than carbohydrates and fat do, concluded the researchers. Good choices: 3 ounces of chicken (26 g protein), 3 ounces of tuna (22 g), 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese (14 g), 1/2 cup of soybeans (11 g), 1 cup of quinoa (8 g).

4. Begin with Broth

Research shows you'll eat about 20% fewer calories if you start a meal with soup instead of diving right into the main course. Just skip high-calorie cream-based varieties.

5. Have a V-8

Vegetable juice may help quell your appetite and control calorie consumption. When University of California, Davis, researchers had a group of men and women follow a low-calorie, heart-healthy diet, those who drank at least 8 ounces of low-sodium vegetable juice daily lost 4 times more weight than those who skipped the healthy beverage.

6. Make Your Own Snack Packs

Dieters actually ate more when given prepackaged 100-calorie snack packs than when they received larger packages, reports a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research. These products may be perceived as low-cal "diet" food, but in reality, they tend to be sugary and nonfilling so you may not stop at just one, explains Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, director of sports nutrition at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. A better (and cheaper) option: Buy a big bag and portion out your own sensible servings.